python - How to drill down from entity list to entity instance in Google Appengine? -

i have list of entities, , want use entity key link more details of individual entity.

class routedetails(ndb.model):     """get list of routes datastore """     routename = ndb.stringproperty()      @classmethod     def query_routes(cls):         return cls.query().order(-cls.routename)   class routespage(webapp2.requesthandler):     def get(self):         adminlink = authenticate.get_adminlink()         authmessage = authenticate.get_authmessage()         self.output_routes(authmessage,adminlink)      def output_routes(self,authmessage,adminlink):         self.response.headers['content-type'] = 'text/html'         html = templates.base         html = html.replace('#title#', templates.routes_title)         html = html.replace('#authmessage#', authmessage)         html = html.replace('#adminlink#', adminlink)         html = html.replace('#content#', '')         self.response.out.write(html + '<ul>')         list_name = self.request.get('list_name')         #version_key = ndb.key("list of routes", list_name or "*notitle*")         routes = routedetails.query_routes().fetch(20)          route in routes:             routelink = '<a href="route_instance?key={}">{}</a>'.format(                 route.key, route.routename)             self.response.out.write('<li>' + routelink + '</li>')         self.response.out.write('</ul>' + templates.footer) 

the error getting attributeerror: 'routedetails' object has no attribute 'key'.

how reference unique id of entity in drilldown url?

the routedetails object indeed has not key attribute, exception @ route.key.

to entity's key need invoke key attribute/property: route.key.

but passing entity's key directly through html not work since it's object. urlsafe() method available provide string representation of key object ok use in html.

so along these lines instead:

    route in routes:         routelink = '<a href="route_instance?key={}">{}</a>'.format(             route.key.urlsafe(), route.routename)         self.response.out.write('<li>' + routelink + '</li>') 

see linking entity list


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