Reading and appending a file in C -

i new c , wrote code collects student data, facing few's not reading file, secondly, when try append, new data not being added new line. doing wrong?

#include <stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h>  int givechoiceforfileopentype(); void writefile(); void readfile(); void apendfile(); void printchoices(); int openfilefromconsole(file *fp1); void savestudentgradeinfotofile(file *fp1);  typedef struct student {     char name[50];     char id [20];     int score; }student;   int main() {       printchoices();     int choice = givechoiceforfileopentype();      switch(choice){     case 1: writefile();         break;     case 2: readfile();         break;     case 3: apendfile();         break;     default: printf("error!!!\n");     }       return 0; }   void writefile(){     file *fp1 =fopen("e://registry.csv", "w");     openfilefromconsole(fp1);     savestudentgradeinfotofile(fp1);     fclose(fp1);  } void readfile(){     file *fp2 = fopen("e://registry.csv", "r");     openfilefromconsole(fp2);      fclose(fp2); }  void apendfile(){      file *fp3 = fopen("e://registry.csv", "a");     openfilefromconsole(fp3);     savestudentgradeinfotofile(fp3);     fclose(fp3);  } void printchoices(){      printf("1.write\n");     printf("\n");     printf("3.append\n");     return; }  int givechoiceforfileopentype(){      int choice;     printf("select fileopen type:");     scanf("%d",&choice);     return choice;  }  int openfilefromconsole(file *fp1){      if(fp1 == null  )     {         printf("error!");         return 0;     }     return 1 ; } void readingdatafromfile(){    }  void savestudentgradeinfotofile(file *fp1) {      int numofstudent ;     student s[100];     printf ("get number of students :");     scanf("%d",&numofstudent);      for(int = 0; < numofstudent; i++) {           printf("\nenter id number:");          scanf(" %s",s[i].id);          printf("enter name: ");         scanf("%s,",s[i].name);          printf("enter score: ");         scanf("%d",&s[i].score);          fprintf(fp1,"%s, %s, %d",s[i].id,s[i].name,s[i].score);          printf("\n");      } } 

if want put output onto separate lines, need add in \n character in format string this

fprintf(fp1,"%s, %s, %d\n",s[i].id,s[i].name,s[i].score); 


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