amazon web services - Creating S3 Files in a Loop - Node.JS + AWS-SDK -

i'm trying create set of files binary data received api call files never created, promise.then function called:

for(var in filesections){     var content = filesections[i].split((/content-length: [0-9]*/));     var filename = content[0].split('filename=')[1].trim();     var file = {bucket : 'mybucket', key: root+'/'+folder+'/'+subfolder+'/'+filename, body: content[1]};     console.log('creating file: '+file.key ); ***code runs @ least here each file***     promises.push(s3.upload(file)); } ***.then function fires*** promise.all(promises).then(confirmproposal()).catch(function(err){context.done(err);}); 

earlier on in process create file in s3 using code:

var application = {bucket : 'mybucket', key: root+'/'+folder+'/'+subfolder+'/application.xml', body: filesections[0]}; s3.upload(application,function(err,data)     {         ...files created in here on successful response ...     }); 

which works , file created. know i'm doing wrong?

change line:


to this:


the aws nodejs sdk functions don't return promise directly. example s3.upload() function returns aws.s3.managedupload object. have call .promise() on returned object promise.


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