jinja2 - How implement/replace extending blocks from 2 different files in Nunjucks? -

i'm using nunjucks 2 days , have encountered situation, i'm not sure how handle best.

on bottom simplified code of templates.

the problem i'm having want abstract heading element (on bottom of maincontent block) in template1 , template2 file not repeat whole <div><h1>..</h1><h2>..</h2></div> structure classes in both files. can't partials, don't accept arguments , text contents of headings different in both contexts; structure same. ideally write inside of maincontent block {% extend "bases/heading.njk" %} , pass both h1 , h2 contents blocks: primaryheading , secondaryheading. impossible, can extend 1 template per file , both templates extending bases/base.njk.

i know overcome delegating headings other partials: partials/template1-heading.njk , partials/template2-heading.njk, extend bases/heading.njk, seems me it's far complicated create 2 layers of inheritance (including partial extends template) such simple task.

i know specify heading structure , content blocks (primaryheading , secondaryheading) in bases/base.njk inside maincontent block, feel code doesn't belong there. let's have third template, extend same base, not have heading.

what's best way handle such situation in nunjucks?


{% extend "bases/base.njk" %}  {% block title %}title 1% endblock %}  {% block additionalhead %} <script ...></script> <link ... /> {% endblock %}  {% block maincontent %} {% include "partials/partial1.njk %} {% include "partials/partial2.njk %} {% include "partials/partial3.njk %}  <div class="heading">   <h1 class="heading_primary">primary heading <span class="js-do-something">with html</span></h1>   <h2 class="heading_secondary">secondary heading</h2> </div>  <!-- content --> ... {% endblock %} 


{% extend "bases/base.njk" %}  {% block title %}title 2{% endblock %}  {% block maincontent %} <div class="heading">   <h1 class="heading_primary">other primary heading</h1>   <h2 class="heading_secondary">other secondary heading</h2> </div>  <!-- content --> ... {% endblock %} 


<!doctype html> <html>   <head>     <meta charset="utf-8" />     <!-- prevent mobile devices scaling page. -->     <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />      <title>{% block title %}{% endblock %}</title>      {% block additionalhead %}{% endblock %}      <!-- scripts , styles -->     <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css" />     <script src="scripts.js"></script>   </head>    <body class="layout-body">     {% include "partials/header.njk" %}      {% block maincontent %}{% endblock %}      {% include "partials/footer.njk" %}   </body> </html> 

bases/heading.njk (a template fill needs, can't extend it)

<div class="heading">   <h1 class="heading_primary">{% block primaryheading %}{% endblock %}/h1>   <h2 class="heading_secondary">{% block secondaryheading %}{% endblock %}</h2> </div> 


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