java - Database connection leak -

recently, had measure time taken of sql requests of our software. that, decided take naive approach , surround queries calls system.nanotime(). while doing found class (sqlsuggest) containing 4 similar queries in 4 similar methods. thought idea refactor , regroup common parts.

this created connection leak, connections weren't closed anymore. rolled refactor i'd still understand did wrong.

the first version of sqlsuggest class has 4 methods getsuggestlistbyitems, getdisplayvaluebyitems, getsuggestlistbylistid , getdisplayvaluebylisteid. each of these methods opens , closes connection, statement , resultset (in block) through class: dbaccess.

the second version of class has same 4 methods except instead of opening , closing connection, call 1 of 2 methods depending on whether need 1 result or list.

those 2 methods (executequerygetstring , executequerygetlistofstringarray) each declare connection, statement , resultset, call method: executequery connection open, statement created , resultset returned.

the second-tier method extracts data resultset , closes everything.

i'm guessing wrong in thinking declaring connection, statement , resultset in method allow me close them same method.

here old class (simplified):

public class sqlsuggest {      private final static logger logger = logmanager.getlogger();      public list<string[]> getsuggestlistbyitems(string codesite) {         list<string[]> suggestlist = new arraylist<>();         string query = "select idcode, designation mytable codesite = " + codesite; // simplified query building         dbaccess accesbd = new dbaccess();         connection conn = null;         statement stmt = null;         resultset rs = null;         try {             conn = accesbd.getconnection();             stmt = conn.createstatement();             rs = stmt.executequery(query);             while ( {                 suggestlist.add(new string[]{rs.getstring(1), rs.getstring(2)});             }         } catch (namingexception | sqlexception ex) {             logger.error("", ex);         } {             accesbd.closeresultset(rs);             accesbd.closestatement(stmt);             accesbd.closeconnection(conn);         }         return suggestlist;     }      public string getdisplayvaluebyitems(string table, string codesite) {         string displayvalue = null;         string query = "select idcode, designation " + table + " codesite = " + codesite; // different query building         dbaccess accesbd = new dbaccess();         connection conn = null;         statement stmt = null;         resultset rs = null;          try {             conn = accesbd.getconnection();             stmt = conn.createstatement();             rs = stmt.executequery(query);             if ( {                 displayvalue = rs.getstring(1);             }         } catch (namingexception | sqlexception ex) {             logger.error("", ex);          } {             accesbd.closeresultset(rs);             accesbd.closestatement(stmt);             accesbd.closeconnection(conn);         }          return displayvalue;     }      public list<string[]> getsuggestlistbylistid(string listeid, string table, string codesite) {         list<string[]> suggestlist = new arraylist<>();         string query = "select idcode, designation " + table + " codesite = " + codesite; // different query building involving listid         dbaccess accesbd = new dbaccess();         connection conn = null;         statement stmt = null;         resultset rs = null;         try {             conn = accesbd.getconnection();              stmt = conn.createstatement();             rs = stmt.executequery(query);             while ( {                 suggestlist.add(new string[]{rs.getstring(1), rs.getstring(2)});             }         } catch (namingexception | sqlexception ex) {             logger.error("", ex);         } {             accesbd.closeresultset(rs);             accesbd.closestatement(stmt);             accesbd.closeconnection(conn);         }         return suggestlist;     }      public string getdisplayvaluebylisteid(string listeid, string table, string codesite) {         string displayvalue = null;                 string query = "select idcode, designation " + table + " codesite = " + codesite; // different query building involving listid         dbaccess accesbd = new dbaccess();         connection conn = null;         statement stmt = null;         resultset rs = null;         try {             conn = accesbd.getconnection();             stmt = conn.createstatement();             rs = stmt.executequery(query);             if ( {                 displayvalue = rs.getstring(2);             }         } catch (namingexception | sqlexception ex) {             logger.error("", ex);         } {             accesbd.closeresultset(rs);             accesbd.closestatement(stmt);             accesbd.closeconnection(conn);         }           return displayvalue;     } } 

here new class (the 1 leak):

public class sqlsuggest {      private static final logger logger = logmanager.getlogger();      public list<string[]> getsuggestlistbyitems(string codesite) {         list<string[]> suggestlist;         string query = "select idcode, designation mytable codesite = " + codesite; // simplified query building         suggestlist = executequerygetlistofstringarray(query);         return suggestlist;     }      public string getdisplayvaluebyitems(string table, string codesite) {         string displayvalue = null;         string query = "select idcode, designation " + table + " codesite = " + codesite; // different query building         int columntofetch = 1;         displayvalue = executequerygetstring(query, columntofetch);         return displayvalue;     }      public list<string[]> getsuggestlistbylistid(string listeid, string table, string codesite) {         list<string[]> suggestlist = new arraylist<>();         string query = "select idcode, designation " + table + " codesite = " + codesite; // different query building involving listid         suggestlist = executequerygetlistofstringarray(query);         return suggestlist;     }      public string getdisplayvaluebylisteid(string listeid, string table, string codesite) {         string displayvalue = null;         string query = "select idcode, designation " + table + " codesite = " + codesite; // different query building involving listid         int columntofetch = 2;         displayvalue = executequerygetstring(query, columntofetch);         return displayvalue;     }      private string executequerygetstring(string query, int columntofetch){         string result = null;         statement stmt = null;         connection conn = null;         resultset rs = executequery(query, stmt, conn);         try{             if ( {                 result = rs.getstring(columntofetch);             }         } catch (sqlexception ex) {             logger.error("", ex);         } {             dbaccess accesbd = new dbaccess();             accesbd.closeresultset(rs);             accesbd.closestatement(stmt);             accesbd.closeconnection(conn);         }         return result;     }      private list<string[]> executequerygetlistofstringarray(string query){         list<string[]> result = new arraylist<>();         statement stmt = null;         connection conn = null;         resultset rs = executequery(query, stmt, conn);         try{             while ( {                 result.add(new string[]{rs.getstring(1), rs.getstring(2)});             }         } catch (sqlexception ex) {             logger.error("", ex);         } {             dbaccess accesbd = new dbaccess();             accesbd.closeresultset(rs);             accesbd.closestatement(stmt);             accesbd.closeconnection(conn);         }         return result;     }      private resultset executequery(string query, statement stmt, connection conn){         dbaccess accesbd = new dbaccess();         resultset rs = null;         try {             conn = accesbd.getconnection();             stmt = conn.createstatement();             rs = stmt.executequery(query);            } catch (namingexception | sqlexception ex) {             logger.error("", ex);         }         return rs;     } } 

and here class opens , closes connections (which wasn't changed in way):

    public class dbaccess {      private final static logger logger = logmanager.getlogger();      public void closeresultset(resultset rs) {         if (rs != null) {             try {                 rs.close();             } catch (exception e) {                 logger.error("", e);             }         }     }      public void closestatement(statement stmt) {         if (stmt != null) {             try {                 stmt.close();             } catch (exception e) {                 logger.error("", e);             }         }     }      public void closeconnection(connection conn) {         if (conn != null) {             try {                 conn.close();             } catch (exception e) {                 logger.error("", e);             }         }     }      public connection getconnection() throws sqlexception, namingexception {         connection cnx = null;         propertiesmanager manager = propertiesdelegate.getpropertiesmanager();         string jndi = manager.getproperty("", "quartisweb-pu");         context ctx = null;         datasource datasource = null;         try {             ctx = new initialcontext();             datasource = (datasource) ctx.lookup(jndi);         } catch (namingexception ex) {             try {                 datasource = (datasource) ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/" + jndi);             } catch (namingexception ex1) {                 logger.error("", ex1);             }         }         if (datasource != null) {             cnx = datasource.getconnection();         }         return cnx;     }  } 

please disregard fact parameters aren't correctly set in query, know should done.

when make call executequerygetstring() executequery() value of conn , stmt change inside executequery() remain null inside executequerygetstring() upon return. therefore, @ finally of executequerygetstring() call accesbd.closeconnection(conn) doing accesbd.closeconnection(null)


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