angularjs - Ionic - Typescript error - Type is not an array or a string -
i starting ionic , angular , facing issue variable type. querying api ouput array of elements.
import { component } '@angular/core'; import { navcontroller } 'ionic-angular'; import {postservice } '../_providers/post-service'; @component({ selector: 'page-home', templateurl: 'home.html', providers:[postservice] }) export class homepage { public posts: any; private start:number=0; constructor(public navctrl: navcontroller, public postservice: postservice) { this.getpost(); } getpost(){ return new promise( resolve => { this.postservice.load(this.start) .then(data => { console.log(data); for(let post of data) { this.posts.push(post); } resolve(true); }); }); } doinfinite(infinitescroll:any) { console.log(this.start); this.start+=10; this.getpost().then(()=>{ infinitescroll.complete(); }); } likepost(post){ post.likes++; } }
line 23, have issue: issue
and console.log returns: console.log
finally, postservice class looks this:
import { injectable } '@angular/core'; import { http } '@angular/http'; import 'rxjs/add/operator/map'; @injectable() export class postservice { perpage:number = 10; constructor(public http: http) {} load(start:number=0) { return new promise(resolve => { this.http.get('[limit]='+this.perpage+'&filter[skip]='+start) .map(res => res.json()) .subscribe(data => { resolve(data.posts); }); }); } }
thanks help.
you need add types, both here:
public posts: any[] = [];
and return service method:
load(start:number=0): promise<any[]> { return new promise<any[]>(resolve => {
note: better more specific any
, should @ least running.
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