c++ - make[1] Error 1 when building Library -

i use following script build c++ library. i386 architecture works fine, arm64 error message.

the error:

make[1]: *** [base/low/cl_low_div.lo] error 1 make: *** [install-recursive] error 1 

the script :

#!/bin/bash  platformpath="/applications/xcode.app/contents/developer/platforms" toolspath="/applications/xcode.app/contents/developer/toolchains/xcodedefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin" export iphoneos_deployment_target="10.1" pwd=`pwd`  findlatestsdkversion() { sdks=`ls $platformpath/$1.platform/developer/sdks` arr=() sdk in $sdks    arr[${#arr[@]}]=$sdk done  # last item current sdk, since alpha ordered count=${#arr[@]} if [ $count -gt 0 ];    sdk=${arr[$count-1]:${#1}}    num=`expr ${#sdk}-4`    sdkversion=${sdk:0:$num} else    sdkversion="10.1" fi }  buildit() { target=$1 hosttarget=$1 platform=$2  if [[ $hosttarget == "x86_64" ]];     hostarget="i386" elif [[ $hosttarget == "arm64" ]];     hosttarget="arm" fi  export cc="$(xcrun -sdk iphoneos -find clang)" export cpp="$cc -e" export cflags="-arch ${target} -isysroot $platformpath/$platform.platform/developer/sdks/$platform$sdkversion.sdk -miphoneos-version-min=$sdkversion" export ar=$(xcrun -sdk iphoneos -find ar) export ranlib=$(xcrun -sdk iphoneos -find ranlib) export cppflags="-arch ${target}  -isysroot $platformpath/$platform.platform/developer/sdks/$platform$sdkversion.sdk -miphoneos-version-min=$sdkversion" export ldflags="-arch ${target} -isysroot $platformpath/$platform.platform/developer/sdks/$platform$sdkversion.sdk"  mkdir -p $pwd/output/$target   ./configure --prefix="$pwd/output/$target" --disable-shared --disable-sqlite --host=$hosttarget-apple-darwin  make clean make make install }  findlatestsdkversion iphoneos  buildit arm64 iphoneos  lipo -create ./output/arm64/lib/libcln.a -output libcln.a 

one of errors (all similar):

base/low/cl_low_div.cc:210:8: error: declaration of 'divu_64_rest' in global   scope conflicts declaration c language linkage   uint64 divu_64_rest;          ^ ./base/cl_low.h:982:21: note: declared c language linkage here   extern "c" uint64 divu_64_rest;                         // -> rest r 

i not find information on connection between , architecture library being built for.

thanks in advance.

please post errors in question, not somewhere else, not someplace that doesn't allow plain text copy/paste. choose relevant parts of complete output , post only, not mass of useless content.

your problem in header file cl_low.h declare variable this:

extern "c" uint64 divu_64_rest; 

but in source file cl_low_div.cc define as:

uint64 divu_64_rest; 

those not same. must have extern "c" (or not) identically both when declare variable , when define it. errors seem similar.


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