python - Pycharm is not making changes to the file system -

i'm working on django project pycharm. can see screenshot, have html file named base_generic.html , directory called blog/ @ ~/pycharmprojects/diyblog/templates/.

enter image description here

however, executing ls ~/pycharmprojects/diyblog/templates/ in terminal prints nothing, means file not exist in actual file system.

i've noticed file name in green, presumably because it's newly-created file. i'm using git vcs, matter? have git add -a and/or git commit -m 'ignore me -- making change file system' changes applied file system?

this content of version control: console

12:13:27.760: [diyblog] git -c core.quotepath=false rm --ignore-unmatch --cached -- .idea/inspectionprofiles/profiles_settings.xml 12:13:35.439: [diyblog] git -c core.quotepath=false add --ignore-errors -- .idea/vcs.xml 20:27:02.649: [diyblog] git -c core.quotepath=false add --ignore-errors -- .idea/datasources.xml 21:09:40.354: [diyblog] git -c core.quotepath=false add --ignore-errors -- templates/base_generic.html 21:13:52.903: [diyblog] git -c core.quotepath=false rm --ignore-unmatch --cached -- templates/base_generic.html 21:13:53.015: [diyblog] git -c core.quotepath=false add --ignore-errors -- blog/template/base_generic.html 21:15:23.659: [diyblog] git -c core.quotepath=false add --ignore-errors -- blog/template/blog/blog_list.html 21:21:52.913: [diyblog] git -c core.quotepath=false add --ignore-errors -- blog/template/blog/blogger_list.html 21:26:17.569: [diyblog] git -c core.quotepath=false rm --ignore-unmatch --cached -- blog/template/blog/blog_list.html blog/template/blog/blogger_list.html blog/template/base_generic.html 21:26:17.664: [diyblog] git -c core.quotepath=false add --ignore-errors -- blog/templates/blog/blog_list.html blog/templates/blog/blogger_list.html blog/templates/base_generic.html 

here information, in case it's relevant

pycharm pycharm 2017.1 build #py-171.3780.115, built on march 24, 2017 licensed sun qingyao subscription active until december 7, 2017 educational use only. jre: 1.8.0_112-release-736-b13 x86_64 jvm: openjdk 64-bit server vm jetbrains s.r.o mac os x 10.12.3 


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